Square and Compasses Light Vineyard chart
Officers What is Freemasonry? Stated Communication
Master   Brian P. Hall
Senior Warden   Matthew R. Stamas
Junior Warden   Geordan H.L.C. Meub
Treasurer   George. H. Fisher Jr.
  Assistant Treasurer   James T. Morse
Secretary   Leonard R. Verville
Assistant Secretary   Dustin T. Shaw
Chaplain   James H. Westervelt
Sr. Deacon   Bruce E. Nevin
Jr. Deacon   Christopher R. Flanders
Sr. Steward   Carl A. Malmquist
Jr. Steward   Michael D. Friedman
Inside Sentinel   Tsvetan S. Stoyanov,
Marshal   Martin V. Tomassian
Electrician   David M. Sprague
Tyler   William F. McGourty
Ritualist   Christopher S. Greene
Organist   Herbert H. Kiehn
Past Masters


From 1791 there have been at least seven Masonic Lodges either proposed or erected on Martha's Vineyard. Our ancient records enable us to show with apparent conclusiveness that the first Scottish Rite body in Massachusetts was King Solomon Lodge of Perfection, existing in Holmes Hole, on Martha's Vineyard, from 1791 to 1797.
Martha's Vineyard Masonic Lodges
by Dwight W. Robb

Martha's Vineyard Lodge was organized in Tisbury in 1859 and chartered in 1860. Members thereof petitioned to organize Oriental Lodge in Edgartown, which was chartered in 1866. The two lodges began to share the present lodge building in 1984, and on January 29, 1994 they merged as Oriental-Martha's Vineyard Lodge.

The Lodge room is named in honor of our departed Brother M.W. Donald Warren Vose, Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts 1973–1975.

More history

George Washington – Richard Pryor – Mark Twain – Ben Franklin – John Brown – Mozart – Beethoven – Theodore Roosevelt – Winston Churchill – Franklin Roosevelt – Harry Truman – Irving Berlin – Simon Bolivar – Rick Wakeman – Thurgood Marshall …

These men and thousands more have something in common.

They're all Freemasons.

150 Island men are too.

MV Times group shot
Newspaper article

To arrange a conversation about Freemasonry on Martha's Vineyard, send email to
bstringfellow302 @ gmail . com

Information for lodge members

Donald Warren Vose Lodge Room
First Wednesday
Open at 6:00 pm
Unless other notice is given

52 Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road

secretary @ o-mvl . com

What is Freemasonry?

Have you ever considered becoming a Mason?

Why do we have secrets?

Freemasonry's Rebirth

Masonic History


Writings by our lodge members

Other Masonic resources


Initially created on March 14, 2008   webmaster @ o-mvl . com